Holiday To Do List

5 Tips to Decrease the Holiday Overwhelm

The holidays can be a stressful time. Here are 5 ways to find calm in chaos, be present and enjoy this wonderful time of year.

Say No

Set boundaries and politely decline invitations or events that will take energy, steal your joy, or add to your overwhelm. We tend to put other people’s happiness before our own but we need to value ourselves enough to say no. 

Let people help

You’re probably not going to ask for help, so when people offer – SAY YES! It might not be done as well as you would have done it – and that’s okay. I’ve found that allowing people to take some tasks off my list, makes them happy because they feel useful and frees up my time. Win-win! 

Ditch perfection

Done is better than perfect. No one’s going to remember all the time and effort you put in to make something perfect.  They’re going to remember how it made them feel.   

Save your sanity

Whatever you do throughout the year saves your sanity – keep doing it, especially now. If you have an exercise routine you’re currently doing – stick to it.  Meal prep, grocery delivery, mediation, quiet time – keep doing it. Keeping your routine helps you stay calm and saves your sanity.


Focus on the connection that the holidays bring. This is a great time to get those elusive teens to watch holiday movies with you. People got pretty creative with having virtual events (scavenger hunts, bingo, ugly sweater, etc) last year.  Why not use technology to connect with out-of-town friends and family this year? 

Until next time. Be well! 


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